Frequently Asked questions about vehicle wraps

What is a Vehicle Wrap?

A vehicle wrap is a customization option for automobiles, trucks, vans, and other vehicles that involves applying a vinyl color, printed graphic or decal to the vehicle’s exterior surfaces. These vinyl wraps can be used for various purposes, such as advertising, personalization, or protection.

Vehicle wraps can last several years with proper care.

Wrapros is certified to offer the 3M™ MCS™ Warranty on our finished wraps. This is the gold standard of warranties and is only available for certified shops using the accepted printer, ink and production process as approved by 3M™. See our warranty page to learn more.

Yes. Wrapros has some of the best graphic designers in the industry to bring your wrap to life. We are experts in branding, marketing, logo design, wrap design and much more.

Yes. This is another reason to ensure a quality material is used. With the right material, your paint will remain pristine until the wrap is removed.

No. Vinyl wrap, in fact, adds a layer of protection to your paint against the lements and minor sctraches. Although, some cheap vinyls can cause paint damage down the road, Wrapros only uses the highest quality materials to ensure the quality of your wrap and to maintain integrity of your paint.

It’s recommended to clean a vehicle wrap with mild soap and water. Avoid using harsh chemicals or high-pressure washes, as they can damage the wrap. Regular cleaning helps maintain the wrap’s appearance and longevity.

Wraps can be applied to a wide range of vehicles, including cars, trucks, vans, buses, and UTVs and boats.

We can replace the panel that is damaged without having to rewrap the entire vehicle.